Udhayam Polytechnic College make a deal with EduGrievance

Cappuchin Friars of Amala Annai Province following the path of Crucified Jesus Christ and embraces the footsteps of Francis Assisi engages with EduGrievance Online Grievance Redressal System. EduGrievance makes it a complete grievance resolution software managing the entire system of an institution inducing effective measures to create responsive and cordial situation in the institute. The software engages in providing a platform for students, parents, teachers, stakeholders and non-teaching staff to lodge their issues in this software through various interfaces. Edugrievance benefits its users in automating complaint registration and feedback mechanism to every grievance in a confidential manner. Through the passionate contemplation and work for just and peaceful society, Udhayam Polytechnic College, Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu manages to capture the major lead including marketing, recruitments, admission, student persistence etc to make a holistic environment. Developing strategies and advance managements in the institution the students achieve the goal.


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